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READ READ READ, This was the first black pear boss battle uploaded to You Tube, don't believe me?... Check the date of when the pirates of the caribbean online black pearl boss battle was realeased then check the date this video was added, BINGO!!! I was the first and i'm proud of it.. even though i quit pirates of the caribbean online about 4 months ago from now (Nov 26-08) I will still answer your questions, from what i can remember lol, pirates of the caribbean online brings back memories of my old friends and all that hokuspokus but since my friends started to move on, i kinda wanted to because first, theres new lvl 40s and all these new players that could give a hoot about lasn, second i dont like them because they act childish, 3rd the game lags like heck, if the staff of pirates of the caribbean had a brain they'd change engines and servers and try to make the game way less laggy, i mean seriously i go inot abassa and lag like heck, compared to a year ago teh game has just not been fun... no updates no new ships no customization of ships etc... well i know i spelled like at least 4 words wrong and went totally off track, so the last thing i wana say is who helped me with this black pearl boss battle, so i will tell u, now first i know none of u will know these people since they passes on to way better games but first Kelly Seahound, was lvl 35 when we did this but now has exceeded lvl 35 all the way to 40 a while back, 2cnd Will Warshot, the short lil fat dude whos lvl 40, Meg Truemartin lv 26, she is now currentlylvl like 36 i think but has stopped playing... and umm lets see here...... cant remember the other cuz the ones i mentioned are the ones i will remember, then there was one more person that i hated that help who gos by the name of fireshot lvl 40, hes such a ******* lol, i hate him cuz he ll completely ignore u cuz hes a total life nerd, he still plays to in abassa, so if u see him tell him i said hes a ****** lol, by the way im just puting stars there, but yeah that was bout all them, and the guild was Old School Rebels, we were ranked num 4 in guilds a while back till guild fell apart... but yep good times.
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Submitted By: LtDjOwns
Tags: PiratesOnline Video Games 
Categories: Entertainment