LOST Parody #4 - Lord of the Rings

More episodes coming soon! Click here to subscribe now!! http://www.youtube.com/thefinebros Other episodes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEIp0qPBbEI&feature=PlayList&p=82EDD56A0B1F6BAA&index=0&playnext=1 Created by Benny & Rafi Fine. http://www.TheFineBrothers.com Now Wizards are showing up and confusing hobbits for drug addicts? LOST is more LOST than ever. Music by Joseph Carrillo http://www.josephcarrillo.com The action figures can be purchased at http://store.spawn.com/ Fine brothers thefinebros benny rafi controversial jews star wars lord rings harry potter pirates caribbean lost parody spoof lost untangled action figures toys shaking recap summary
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Submitted By: TheFineBros
Tags: Fine Brothers Thefinebros Benny Rafi Controversial Jews Star Wars Lord Rings Harry Potter Pirates Caribbean Lost Parody Untangled Action Figures Toys Shaking Recap Summary