My PVC Instrument, DRS Talent Show (Original)

Me performing a medley of recognizable songs on my PVC Pipe Instrument (2.0) inspired by the Blue Man Group at the Del Rey South Talent Show at LMU. Songs are... -Office Theme Song (0:18) -Linus and Lucy (0:38) -Turkish March (1:13) -Mario Brothers Theme (1:27) -In the Hall of the Mountain King (1:54) -Bad Romance (2:07) -Viva La Vida (2:50) -Like a Virgin (3:03) -Crazy Train (3:23) -Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (4:01) -James Bond Theme (4:15) -Pirates of the Caribbean Theme (4:35) -The Final Countdown (featuring my friend, Quin) (4:56) Enjoy! Become a fan of me on Facebook for exclusive videos and pictures of my PVC Instrument and performances!
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Blue Man Group Bmg Pvc Pipe Tube Instrument 2.0 Medley Kent Jenkins Quin Thames America's Got Talent Del Rey South Show Loyola Marymount Universities Lmu Crazy Trains Final Countdown
Categories: Entertainment